Wednesday 30 May 2012


Assalammualaikum peeps,hehe..da masuk 2 bulan da i x update blog ney..nk ckp usang mmg da usang pown..hmmm...bnyak da hal yang berlaku skunk ney..yg baik..yang buruk semuanya berlaku dalam satu tempoh masa yang agak singkat..Basicly,i nk cerita apa yang berlaku since i lupe nk update blog ney..

So here the story begun (ecececece) HAHA,bulan 3 is the assigment month mne i xpenat ngan assigment ngan show dance ag..hahah..bak kata orang sendiri cari pasal an?damn !!..mmg padan muke la..hahaha..but anyhow i dapat cri jalan JANGAN KALAH KEPADA MASAALAH !!..hahah :) i'm made it through the month..Alhamdulillah allah memberikan jalan penyelesaian yang mudah untuk i..:) then after the assigment things going on,me ang mr.boogie had long distance relationship(again)..i hope he will take care of him self and his life..:) 

better i continue this story to the next update..:)

"never take a risk for something that you don't know "..

Monday 12 March 2012


Assalammualaikum peeps,
hye hari ney i just nk buat quick entry jerw coz got stuff to do la..haha..nk tao stuff pe??
hari ney i de show usual la yerk..hehe..
now it's became my first job and ever..hehe...
now got to go la dear..until see u guys inthe next entry k?..
Lot's of love from me..

Saturday 10 March 2012


Assalammualaikum peeps,sory about last entry..just a quick entry for myDoll tournement the update 4 the hole story..i fikir i just come there 4 the cheer but,at the end i skali join the game coz i just know that the hole team player doesn't know how to play..what a shame then i take the jersey from tessie(mysweetfrend) and pakai then play netball 4 the team...Awwwsomee game !! haha..but we didn't win la..just 4 fun..4 the netball tournement the winner goes to kym mallaca..congraz'ts u 'alls..hehe :)these are some picture that i took from it..hehehe...

bythe way these are the comity 4 the day..haha..(pic netball xsempat nk amek haha)
this is myDoll..sory 4 the bad behavior..HAHA..(next entry will be you bby) <3
And guess what,our campus is the campion 4 the futsal tournament !..
go3...Unirazak-ian :) <3
the writer of the blog..interframe jp..hehe...:)
it's quite  hot actualy..
At the end of the day,i and myDoll meet someone that actualy make us smile that Day..
i called it MR.A..
Until we meet again,soon MR.A..
:) <3

that's was it...a awwwsome day 4 me :) 
Adios amigos..

Friday 9 March 2012


Assalammualaikum CINTA,
sory da lame x update blog ney..makin usang da i tgk blog ney..kesian dye..but now what i'm gonna do is make some quick update for today..HAHAHa :P ..Hari ney teman myDOLL pegy tournament netball kat campus..i pown xtao sejak bile plakk dye join bende cmney,maybe sebab da terpakse xcukup orng kowt..but afterall ii kene support dye what ever things that she wanted to do..:)
(ayam plak an)
so i kat sne gonna enjoy myself and have a good looking and give a moral support to myDOLL..<3 ..
till we meet again in the next update..loove u'alls :)

Tuesday 7 February 2012


Assalammualaikum and hyeee peepss..tao da lame x update blog usang ney but at the end i still ag nk update xkisah la korang nk ckp we started with old story first k?..number 1,hehe (eksen la plak)..hehe..firstly,i baru jew abis show kat pavillion yang sebulan tue..but payment dye xdpat2 lagi,aiiihhhh...cik BB sabar ye..nantikan kemunculan ku..HEHE..then i dapat offer show kat Central Market..bole tahan la training dye but all people say that practice make perfect an?so training la..:) then so i buat show only on tuesday and khamis sahaja..alaaa,show simple2 jew..xde grand sangat la..hehe..then berbalik pada upcoming tournemant HAHA..that is MMU FESTARI 2011 on march23 at i da start latihan da lame da..tapi i jew yng malas nk pergi..:P hehehe...(lantakla)..i penat let it be..:)

So i nk story pasal i ngan c dye..ari tue on 2nd feb was his birthday,the i masak untuk dye yaawww !!..hehehe i tgk dye makan pown da buat hati i happy sngt2..hehe..the kitedua tgk movies cite UNDERWOLD(awekaning)..AWSOME !! cite dye mmg best rase cm nk tgok 2 kali taw..hahah..the esok kiteorang g putrajaya..buat ape??saja..just for fun..sbb da tak tao nk pergi mane lagi..hehe..then the next day(korang kire sendiri la tarikh dye eh..)kitedua g PD(portdickson) :) bestnye..t i upload pic k?tapi xbanyak la..just wait k?..hehe..hari2 yang fun bersama cdye..:)then the next day cdye teman i g buat show..alangkah bestnye klu hari2 macam tue..:)..errmmm...:)

kla sampai cniy jew la..sbb penat da jari ney menaip bende yang merapu untuk blog ney..huhuhu..:) apepown jadi aku tetap aku..tiada yang lain..sayang kau sygs..<3  

Monday 9 January 2012


Hye peeps,lame da xupdate kat blog ney..rasenye da berhabuk kowt..huhu :) wutever..pape pown,sebelum i nk mulekan story i nk ucapkan SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2012 kat ya'all semua..Then the story begin..haha..i da start menari blek,hari-hari dance sampai lebam..haha location?? (secret) hahha..xbole bgtao..hahah..but under tourism..huhu..then coming weeks my final exam for semester 3 coming to the end..esok last day and last paper..hahaa..cuak seyh !..HUMAN RESOURCE..haha..i pown ngan bengong ney xtao nk wat cmne ag..orng suh study i bole plak update blog yg da lame bersarang ney ha..hahaha..(gelak sorang2 dalam libabry yg sunyi menyepi)..

Opss,lupe plak cite,aritue cintahaty datang tengok i buat show..seronok bile dye ade kat cney..rase hepy sngt2..haha..klu ari2 dye dtg tgk shoe tue mesti best an?haha (naik muntah dye tgk kau menari jah oi !!) hahaha.."mekasih cyg sudi tgk ayg menari walaupown xsekurus orng lain"..tapi syggg nye pic xde nk upload coz fon bb i da rosak !(cam harem !!) tue lagi satu kisah tragedi di tahun 2011 but malaz nk stodry coz sakit haty bile ingatkan balik.. ! :( but i da tekad dapat jew duit show tue i truz nk angkat bb baru satu..hahah(peduli ape aku!!) xde orang peduli pown..hahah..

pape-pape pown i tetap harus pandang tepat ke hadapan..teruskan hidup,menjadi yang lebih baik dari yang sebelum ney..innsyaallah..:) i guess that all just 4 today,sakit da jari ha nk taip lebih2 kang lain g nk masjid india..shooping time ! :)  haha..wutever is life is full of karma,and karma is a big of BICTH..beware and Assalammualaikum..:)